Adieu 2019

Yes it is that time to bid an entire year and decade goodbye and welcome the start of a new one; the 2020’s… what an exciting time it is BUT just the way any swimmer wants to get into the water and start swimming, the toe dips to check the water temperature reveal the hesitation to jump in yet.. 2020 is almost here; a few hours now .. the dive is inevitable

reflections of the past 365 days are part of the adieu.. for some 2020 cant come soon enough , for others, could the time slow down , its been a great year and for others, its been, one day after another and here we are about to get into the next..

Here is what sums up my 2019.

God’s grace , kindness and mercy never ceased; when i thought He has done too much, He whispers you’ve seen nothing yet my dear Livi. His provisions often left me too overwhelmed with tears running down my cheeks, Him whispering, its who I AM Livi, i love you dear daughter. You are mine, Am for you forever and a day..

What a great great daddy our HEAVENLY FATHER truly is.

The experience of walking closely with God day by day, moment by moment is the essence of relationship with our heavenly Father. Yes the ‘big; out of this world moments when we experience God are really wow and great but the intimacy and sweetness of experiencing God in the mundane, simple, ordinary day to day life; hearing His view on things I am musing on as i go about my house chores always leaves me amazed at how near, how close and present He truly is with us.

He truly is with us; EMMANUEL

Patience is definitely the fruit of the Spirit , the Holy Trinity is perfecting in me ; and it is very necessary, am naturally impatient. The process is called WAITING! Oh how i dislike WAITING but in 2019 I have waited and am still waiting. The process  of perfecting patience is very painful but necessary if I am to be everything He wants me to be to accomplish His purpose in me. I cannot bypass it..

He is the potter, I am only His clay.. Isaiah 64:8 

But who are you, O man , to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to Him who formed it , ‘why have you made me like this?Romans 9:20

Surrender and submission are inevitable on this faith journey and it is in this posture that His Grace is realised in unexpected measures. This am still walking through to 2020..

Disappointments check the quality of our faith and reveal the well masked unbelief in our hearts. They come to check whether we really mean what we profess. They don’t have to be wasted, they serve their purpose once we take them in perspective and see the value they have in revealing the enemy of our faith; UNBELIEF. Yes, 2019 had its fair share of disappointments; unmet expectations especially in prayers made earnestly in faith and ‘belief’ of my expected outcome and not in the will of the great I AM.. A lesson am still learning..

Adieu 2019..


Abba Father, Thank you for being faithful and true. Thank you for keeping us, walking closely with us in every moment, the highs and lows , for being a dear friend. Am grateful. I love you and forever grateful I am yours. AMEN

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